Friday, July 29, 2016

The Advantages Of Search Engine Optimization

I've been an online marketer since 1998, before Google was even a twinkle in the world wide web's eye. I've seen and tried just everything to make money online. In all this time Ive accomplished very little in terms of income. The reason I haven't accomplished much is quitting something sometimes literally in a week or less than and then I'm off to the next thing. I think that's the problem for a lot of people who start an online business is its easy to start an online business with very little money, so its easy to quit.

The experience I've gotten from going from opportunity to opportunity has helped me realize that I have to stick with something, or Ill never accomplish anything so I'm glad that it happened the way that it did.Over the years I tried everything like pay per click, adsense, CPA, network marketing and on and on, basically everything. I was like a wild man trying all these things one after the other jumping around trying to get rich quick and without doing any work. I learned it doesn't work that way, and I would have to do the work and stick with one thing till I succeed.

If you take anything from this article and are new or you see yourself in this article stick to one thing and put in the work. There is no way around the work you have to put in to make it in an online business. Believe me I tried to spend my way out of having to work or use some software where I thought I could push a button and get rich quick but the only thing that happened was I ended up broke and went begging mommy for money. God the money I spent online just to get out of work was outrageous. I even took out payday loans, car loans, and got in financial trouble but my parents helped me out of it again.

It was my fault I got in financial trouble and shouldn't have been tried to get rich quick. I took several months off since I got in all that financial trouble and decided to come back to Internet marketing this time with a different mindset. I'm wiser now and the old way I did things in Internet marketing has really helped me understand things now that I'm back with a different mindset. Most newbies who start an online business wont understand what I'm talking about till they waste years like I did.My advice to newbies or others doing what I did in the past is stick to something and put in the work. Don't try to spend your way out of the work you have to do.

If you don't get what I'm talking about take some time off your business get your head together come back to your online business, and you will probably understand. I didn't get it till I left for 6 months came back and I was amazed that I understood what Ive been doing wrong.I hope you take my advice about Internet Marketing, you will be glad you did. Even if you don't take my advice there is still hope that you will succeed. It may take you years of frustration to understand what I know, but as long as you do get the understanding is all that matters in the long run.

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